خفاء العلامة الإعرابيّة وأثره في تعدّد الأوجه الإعرابية في القرآن الكريم، البحر المحيط أنموذجًا
خفاء Concealing the diacritical marks and its impact on the multiplicity of meaning in the Quran, with the” Bahr al-Muhit” as an example Fareda Jmeaan
خفاء Concealing the diacritical marks and its impact on the multiplicity of meaning in the Quran, with the” Bahr al-Muhit” as an example Fareda Jmeaan
المشترك الصّرفيّ The Common Morpheme and Its Impact on Semantic Multiplicity: A Brief Editor on the Interpretation of the Noble Revelation by Ibn Atiyya as
محمود درويش Manifestations of the biblical narrative in the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish Rasmiya Youssef Keadan*, Professor Dr. Ihsan Al-Deek Department of Arabic Language |
الحذف The issue of ellipses and its effect on textual cohesion: An applied linguistic study on an Umayyad poem Areej Abdullah Naeem Faculty of Languages
Manifestations of narrative language in the novel “The Thief and the Dogs” Naguib Mahfouz Dr. Hadeel Kayal Al Qasimi Academy | Palestine تجلّيات اللغة
الأساليب التركيبية Synthetic methods in the poetry of Saudi poet Jassim bin Mohammed Al-Sa Through Diwan The Three Parts of Complete Poetry Works Aryaf Faraj
الرواية Military Barriers Representations in Palestinian Novels after Oslo Accords: A Realistic Irony Language Dr. Hadeel Mohammed Kayyal*1, Prof. Nader Jomaa Qasim2 1Department of Arabic
الاستشراق The impact of Jewish Orientalism on the modern linguistic study Mr. Farid Khalil Nassar*, Dr. Muhammad Ali Rabaa Faculty of Arts | Al-Najah National
تقنيات البناء Detailed construction techniques and their effect on the directing discourse semantics A critical reading in the samples of Nizar Qabbani’s poetry Eftekhar Salaim
الانزياح الدلالي Semantic and structural displacement in the poem “I am leaving” by the poet Rawda Al-Hajj Dr. Sara Ahmed Breamh College of Arts |
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